Polish News

An Old Wooden Church In Poland ……really something to see re absolutely amazing


An Old Wooden Church In Poland 360 degrees photo Slawomir Milejski – own work

After looking “around”, be sure to click the UP arrow and look at the walls and ceiling. And zoom in and out to get the full picture.

An Old Wooden Church In Poland ……really something to see.

This church is so beautiful, one has to wonder how you could possibly concentrate on the service?

Details in this church are absolutely amazing. Take a good look.

Use the pointers at the bottom of the picture to view all the different angles, up and down and the + sign to zoom in—

It’s incredible.   Move your cursor around to see it all.

Click on the link below.

Battle of Grunwald

1410 Battle of Grunwald reenactment


Knights in shining armour gathered in Grunwald, northern Poland, for a re-enactment of the historic battle where Polish and Lithuanian forces defeated German Teutonic Order.


The 1300′ knights’ from Poland, Germany, Lithuania and as far away as New Zealand were along with 40 hoursesfor the annual re-enactment on Saturday, attracting a crowd of up to 80,000.


A member of a reenactment group from Warsaw, Jacek Szymanski, a computer graphic designer by profession, was cast as Polish King Władysław Jagiełło, and Jarosław Struczyński, a curator at the Teutonic Knights Castle in Gniew, as the Teutonic Grand Master Ulrich von Jungingen.


The Battle of Grunwald – also known as the Battle of Tannenberg – fought on 14 July 1410, was one of the greatest battles of medieval Europe.


It is considered to be one of the most glorious and significant military victories in Polish history. Launched in 1998, its annual reenactment has become a popular tourist attraction.

Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin was a Polish composer and virtuoso pianist of the Romantic era

Chopin’s adventures with folk music – Żelazowa Wola


date:    Tuesday, 22 April 2014  End date:     Sunday, 30 November 2014


I Played so Loud that Everybody Came in Running is the title of a new exhibition at the Frederic Chopin Museum in Żelazowa Wola, 50 kilometers west of Warsaw.


Housed in the Prelude pavilion in the park surrounding the museum, the exhibition comprises 18 folk instruments that Chopin heard being played while he traveled to different regions of Poland.


The exhibition’s somewhat unusual title (Takiem tęgo dudlił, że się wszyscy zlecieli in Polish) is a quote from Chopin in which the composer described his attempts at playing a regional variation of the double bass.


Maciej Janicki, the curator of the museum in Żelazowa Wola, says the exhibition is designed to highlight local traditions that Chopin encountered in Poland and the ways those different traditions influenced one another.


The instruments will be on show until the end of November

Poland asks Nato to station 10,000 troops on its territory

NATO foreign ministers met in Brussels to consider requests for soldiers to be deployed in Poland and the Baltic States, all of which share borders with Russia

Photo: Francois Lenoir/ Reuters / The Telegraph

Poland asks NATO to station 10,000 troops on its territory


Poland asked Nato to station 10,000 troops on its territory on Tuesday as a visible demonstration of the Alliance’s resolve to defend all its members after Russia’s seizure of Crimea.

NATO foreign ministers met in Brussels to consider requests for soldiers to be deployed in Poland and the Baltic States, all of which share borders with Russia. NATO generals and admirals have been ordered to devise ways to better protect alliance members that feel threatened by Russia, and “all practical civilian and military cooperation” with Russia. President Vladimir Putin has massed about 40,000 troops near Ukraine’s eastern frontier, giving himself the option of seizing more of his neighbour’s territory.

On Monday, he assured Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, that some of these forces would be withdrawn. But the ministers disclosed that Russia had yet to keep this promise.

BGŻ is 98% owned by the Netherlands’ largest retail bank Rabobank and could be worth nearly $1 billion according to Polish media.

UniCredit the largest bank in the country?

The Warsaw VOICE


Italy’s top bank UniCredit filed a preliminary offer to buy Rabobank’s Polish unit BGŻ, UniCredit CEO Federico Ghizzoni said as reported by Bloomberg.


“We made an offer on a Polish bank, we are still in the early stages,” , Ghizzoni said of talks to buy BGŻ.


BGŻ is 98% owned by the Netherlands’ largest retail bank Rabobank and could be worth nearly $1 billion according to Polish media.


A spokeswoman for Rabobank said the lender was still “reviewing its strategic options” for BGŻ and had not yet decided whether it wanted to sell its 98% stake.


The Italian bank expanded rapidly in the central and eastern Europe in the run-up to the financial crisis and has taken steps to sell out of countries where it had a limited presence. It is currently reorganizing its operation in the region and considers Russia, Turkey, Poland and the Czech Republic as the most promising market. At the same time, the bank is mulling selling its assets in Ukraine. It sold the bank’s Kazakh business for $500m earlier this year.


UniCredit already controls Poland’s number two lender by assets, Pekao SA, which has been one of its fastest-growing businesses. A purchase of BGŻ would make UniCredit the largest bank in the country.


However, the Italian lender might have a hard time getting past Polish regulators who have previously indicated that the Polish banking market has already achieved the desired level of concentration.

Independent Voices about protest in Poland September 2013

Many of western journalists has no clue, what was about the protest in Poland! It was not against “pro market” reforms which government of Donald Tusk has no intent to do, nor has any idea how to do them.

The protest was about:


ˇ         Scandalous neglecting  of national interest of  Poland;

ˇ         Total incompetence in handling of Smolensk Tragedy

ˇ         Lack of governance

ˇ         S trait in face lies;


Corruption scandals and insolent cover up of the guilty ones by the government.


Deteriorating democracy  and democratic values, lack of respect to the citizens supporting the opposition. Government use  of justice system and police force to prosecute citizens opposing the ruling party and  President;


Shutting down (in long run  by limiting its audience) one of the  few media left, that is not in bed with the government, which is TV Trwam.


In fact, that was the main reason, why this protest was organized, to defend TV Trwam, to whom the government controlled state media council, refused to issue a license for broadcasting  through  digital multiplexer. Of course that by itself, wouldn’t be enough to draw such crowd, if the government  by its scandalous actions wasn’t causing so much grief  in large part of society, or if it was doing good job governing Poland and its citizens were respected and happy. But it

is not. The only reason Poland is doing fairly OK economically,  is because of the massive debt, that this government is running since it got to power in 2007. But that can not be done forever.

American taxpayers would pay about $1 billion a month to send in the military to Syria’s ongoing civil conflict

Photo by: J. Scott Applewhite, Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Top U.S. general cautious of consequences of Syria action



Chris Borowski


LASK, Poland (Reuters) – The top U.S. military officer said on Wednesday he was cautious over recommending armed intervention in Syria, concerned that ill-conceived action could turn the country into a failed state.


“Before I would recommend a military solution … I would have to be convinced that the aftermath of the military option would not lead to a failed state in which the suffering would actually be worse,” Army General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters.


Speaking at a Polish air force base in Lask, central Poland, where U.S. pilots conduct exercises with their Polish counterparts on F-16 jets, Dempsey said political leaders must consider other options along with military action to provide relief to the Syrian people.


“I’m not suggesting that the international community do nothing. I am suggesting that you need a strategy to tie military options with other instruments of power,” he said.


The United States has wavered over what action to take in Syria, where it has demanded the exit of President Bashar al-Assad, who has fought for two and a half years against rebels in a civil war that has killed 100,000 people.


In a letter released on Monday, Dempsey outlined five options the U.S. military was prepared to undertake, from providing training to establishing no-fly zones or conducting limited attacks on military targets.


The letter prompted Republican Senator John McCain, an outspoken proponent of military aid for the rebels, to say he no longer planned to delay Dempsey’s nomination to a second term atop the U.S. military.


In his letter to McCain and Democratic Senator Carl Levin, the head of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Dempsey warned that involvement in Syria would be an act of war that could cost billions of dollars.


The U.S. military’s current role in the two-year conflict is limited to delivering humanitarian aid, providing security assistance to Syria’s neighbors and non-lethal help to the Syrian opposition. The U.S. military has an operational headquarters unit in Jordan along with other assets, including F-16 jets.