It’s a genetic test, but no body parts or blood are being analyzed

Italy Launches DNA Profiling Of Wine

La Repubblica


It’s a genetic test, but no body parts or blood are being analyzed — it’s bottles of wine instead.


A team of researchers have developed a system they say will revolutionize the concept of traceability used in proving the origins of agricultural products: in this case, the vine, the quality of yeast used in the fermentation of the must (pulp) in Malvasia, Muscat and Nero d’Avola grapes, among others.


This research, funded by the Rural Development Plan for the Sicilian Region, has revolutionized the current approach (DOC, DOP, IGT) which monitors the production process and leaves too much room for discretion to those who make the wine.


“Today, wine is history, it’s culture, it’s the area’s heritage,” says Francesco Carimi, project manager for the CNR. “This (method) is crucial for attributing definitive identity. Our research team interviewed elderly farmers, scrambling to pick up wild vines from ancient history, and comparing descriptions of medieval Latin texts to identify the plants. It was hard work, but it was fascinating.”

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